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- Miroslav Milićević

Miroslav Milićević,
Vice President of the Council
Born in 1949 in Belgrade.
He finished part of the elementary and grammar school abroad. Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in 1973, where he got his M.D. in 1984. Specialist in the abdominal surgery.
Since 1975 in the employ of the First Surgical Hospital with the Serbian Clinical Centre and the Faculty of Medicine. Teaching assistant for Surgery from 1980, assistant – professor from 1985, associate professor from 1991, and full professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade since 1996. Head of the Surgical Department for liver, pancreas and vesicles surgical operations with the Belgrade University Hospital from 1985. Tutorship in large number of student’s works, master and doctoral thesis, and professional studies.
He has been member of numerous commissions, working groups, and the Council of the Clinical Centre of Serbia with the Faculty of Medicine in Belgrade. Fulbright scholar in the USA, England, Germany and other countries. Visiting professor at the San Francisco University, California. More than twenty years head researcher in the projects made by the Republic Science Community. R&D fellow in many international projects. One of the founders and the first President of the Belgrade Lion ¢ s Club. The only M.D. who signed the Sent Andrej Declaration of the Coalition of the Oposition.
He was the President of the Ethical Committee of the Clinical Centre of Serbia. Member of the Initial Committee for the foundation of the Medical Chamber and member of the CEZBE. One of the founders and the President of the Steering Committe of the Yugoslav Encoscopic Sergury Association (YUEH), and Yugoslav Department of the Surgeons’ and Gastroenterologists’ Association (IASG). One of the founders and the President of the S&M Department of the European Association for the surgery of liver, pancreas and vesicles (EHPBA). Member of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery (EAES), European Digestive Surgery (EDS), European Association for Hepato-pancreato-biliary (EHPB), European Association for Hepato-pancreato-biliary (EHPB), European Digestive Surgery (EDS), European Academy for Surgery (EAS), Meditteranian and Middle East Endoscopic Surgical Association (MMESA) , International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists (IASG), Americal College of Surgery (ACS), Societe International de Chirurgie (SIC) and many others. Editor in chief of Acta Chirurgica Iugoslavica, official magazine of the S&M surgeons. Member of the editorial of the international magazine Hepato-Gastroenterology. Editor of the international magazines: Surgery, Digestive Surgery, Journal of the Pancreas (JOP), HPB Surgery i Hepato-gastroenterology.
He has written and published more than 350 studies, works and articles in country and abroad. He has given more than 30 lectures as a visiting professor at courses, congresses, and meetings abroad. He has written chapters in the most important books on the subject of HPB Surgery.