The Anti-Corruption Council was established by The Decision of The Government of the Republic of Serbia on 11th October 2001. The Council is an expert, advisory body of The Government, founded with a mission to see all the aspects of anti-corruption activities, to propose measures to be taken in order to fight corruption effectively, to monitor their implementation, and to make proposals for bringing regulations, programs and other acts and measures in this area.

The Anti-corruption Council currently has six members. Council members, according to The Decision, are appointed by The Government on the proposal of the Council members. Council members can be distinguished domestic and foreign scholars and experts, whose knowledge and reputation can contribute to the work of the Council. President of the Council is appointed by The Government from among the members of the Council on their proposal. Technical and administrative assistance to the Council is provided by General Secretariat of The Serbian Government.

The Anti-corruption Council spends budgetary funds adopted by The Serbian Government on the proposal of the Council.

The Anti-Corruption Council daily receives many complaints of citizens. However, the Council deals with individual cases only if they point to a broader phenomenon, which emphasizes the sources of grand corruption in business and politics. Complaints are proceeded to the relevant institutions, and on the status of cases and replies, applicants are notified by mail or telephone.

On the basis of relevant documentation collected during its research, the Council works on reports submitted to The Government of the Republic of Serbia, and then made ​​them public. The reports and their publication are decided at the meetings of the Council, by majority vote of the members present.

The Anti-corruption Council, at the beginning of each year, adopts The Annual Report on its activities and submits it to The Government of the Republic of Serbia.